HEPA Information

HEPA Information

EN 1822:2009

Filter Class Overall Value Local Value
Efficiency(%) Penetration(%) Efficiency(%) Penetration(%)
E10 ≧85 ≦15
E11 ≧95 ≦5
E12 ≧99.5 ≦0.5
H13 ≧99.95 ≦0.05
≧99.75 ≦0.25
H14 ≧99.995 ≦0.005 ≧99.975 ≦0.025
U15 ≧99.9995 ≦0.0005 ≧99.9975 ≦0.0025
U16 ≧99.99995 ≦0.00005 ≧99.99975 ≦0.00025
U17 ≧99.999995 ≦0.000005 ≧99.9999 ≦0.001
  • EPA 10 – EPA 12: Efficiency Particulate Air Filters
  • HEPA 13 – HEPA 14: High Efficiency Particulate Air Filters
  • ULPA 15 – ULPA 17: Ultra Low Penetration Air Filters
  • DIN EN 779:2012

    Group Class Final pressure
    drop (test) 
    efficiency @0.4µm
    Coarse dust filter G1 250 50 ≤Am< 65
    G2 250 65 ≤ Am< 80
    G3 250 80 ≤ Am< 90
    G4 250 90 ≤ Am
    Medium M5 450 40 ≤ Em< 60
    M6 450 60 ≤ Em< 80
    Fine dust
    F7 450 80 ≤ Em< 90 35
    F8 450 90 ≤ Em< 95 55
    F9 450 95 ≤ Em 70

    ISO 29463:2011

    Filter Class Overall Value Local Value
    Efficiency(%) Penetration(%) Efficiency(%) Penetration(%)
    ISO 15 E ≧95 ≦5
    ISO 20 E ≧99 ≦1
    ISO 25 E ≧99.5 ≦0.5
    ISO 30 E ≧99.90 ≦0.1
    ISO 35 H ≧99.95 ≦0.05 ≧99.75 ≦0.25
    ISO 40 Hd ≧99.99 ≦0.01 ≧99.95 ≦0.05
    ISO 45 Hd ≧99.995 ≦0.005 ≧99.975 ≦0.025
    ISO 50 U ≧99.999 ≦0.001 ≧99.995 ≦0.005
    ISO 55 U ≧99.999 5 ≦0.000 5 ≧99.997 5 ≦0.002 5
    ISO 60 U ≧99.999 9 ≦0.000 1 ≧99.999 5 ≦0.000 5
    ISO 65 U ≧99.999 95 ≦0.000 05 ≧99.999 75 ≦0.000 25
    ISO 70 U ≧99.999 99 ≦0.000 01 ≧99.999 9 ≦0.000 1
    ISO 75 U ≧99.999 995 ≦0.000 005 ≧99.999 9 ≦0.000 1

    Please note: These charts provide approximate data regarding various filter classes for reference purposes only. Specific data applicable to an intended application must be determined at the expected face velocity.

    Filter Integrity Test

    PAO Method

    (For testing HEPA) In the PAO test, a gas type of smoke will be generated by the PAO generator. After using the photometer to test the concentration on the upstream of the HEPA, a particle counter will be put at the air exhaust area to test the PAO concentration that passes through HEPA. The distance between the particle counter and HEPA will be around 25mm with testing speed at 50mm/sec. The test range includes HEPA filter and its connecting area. However, there are no related guidelines on the measurement method. Just make sure the whole HEPA covered area are tested for leakage. If there are particles over 0.03 are tested, hold the particle counter for 10 sec and then test back and forth at the range of 100mm. Once the particles are less than 0.03, proceed the test.

    PAO efficiency (%) = ( 1-particle concentration at the HEPA air exhaust area / particle concentration at the HEPA upstream area ) × 100%.


    (For testing Medium Filter or Bag Filter) This is to test the integrity of the Medium Filter mainly for particle size ≧1μm. There will be the same filter indicator paper at the up/downstream of the filter. After sampling, we calculate the filter integrity based on its transparency variation. Normally the NBS method and ASHRAE method ( 52.1 —92 Standard ) are applied. In 1968年, after modification and consolidation, it is called ASHRAE Efficiency or NBS. Both represent Colorimetry.

    Q1:The sampling air volume through the upstream indicator paper.
    Q2:The sampling air volume through the downstream indicator paper.
    O1:The opacity of the upstream indicator paper with particles on it. 
    O2:The opacity of the downstream indicator paper with particles on it.
    Colorimetry efficiency (%)=( 1- Q1/Q2×Q2/Q1)×100%


    (For testing pre-filter) This is to test the efficiency of the pre-filter on larger particles which sizes are ≧5μm.
    Normally AFI method (in 1960) and ASHRAE method (52.1—92 Standard) are applied.
    It is called ASHRAE Arrestance or AFI. Both represent Arrestance. 

    Wf:The particle quantity supplied at the upstream of the filter(g)
    Wp:The weight of the particles attached on the filter(g)
    Arrestance efficiency (%)=( 1- Wp/Wf)×100%

    When to conduct Leak test?

    1.HEPA replacement
    2.Machine re-installation
    3.Regular test (at least once a year)